Skip tooth - body work on Sporting Breeds and Terriers, Pet Poodles, excellent for clipping matted dogs where blending is required.įinish clipper blade for 7 Skip Tooth, unmatted coats. Head, face, neck and sometimes body on Sporting Breeds and Terriers. Popular on Cockers, Springers and Schnauzer bodies. Sporting Breed’s necks and sometimes bodies, very smooth finish. Stripping heavy coats, medium length, wider cutting surface than standard clipper blades. Good for full-body shavedowns and large breeds. Similar to the size 10 blade, but with a wider blade sweep. Sanitary trim (tummy & genital area), face on Poodles, Cockers and Terriers, or grooming most cats. Sensitive Poodle feet, pads, face on Poodles, Cockers and Terriers.

Pet Poodle feet and between pads of some dogs. Surgical prep, Show Poodle’s feet, face and pattern, Pet Poodle feet. Stainless steel - harder, holds edge longer, rust-resistant.

Surgical prep, Show Poodle’s feet, face and sometimes used to create patterns.